Pinnacle Trail

black label illegal in this area

click for larger image--pinnacle trail click for larger image--pinnacle trail

I am not sure when this trail ceased to exist but 1970's might be a good guess. The Pinnacle Trail. It seemed to be partially on the property of the Boulder Inn in Warren, Connecticut. This Inn still exists but under totally new management. I drew the 'rough' map based on a chart in an old book related to 'Hiking in Connecticut'. I seemed to have lost any text about the trail. Something seems 'off' but until more info is available all here accurate. This Trail was also mentioned in a book published in 1935.

It has been learned this 'Pinnacle Trail has been 'resurrected' at least in name and going to 'The Pinnacle'. I will make an entry upcoming. The Trail goes via way of Steep Rock Reservation's lands. Click this Link for Information on Steep Rock Reservation. I must mention I post these old Trails for historical purposes only and something that now is on private property is just that: PRIVATE. Do not trespass.

There is no town of New Preston, Connecticut. There WAS a post office of New Preston, Connecticut. Some years ago it merged with another post office and all that was left was New Preston-Marbledale Station. I think most of area is actually within Town of Warren. There is no longer a post office in the town of Warren. I think the Post Office is in Washington, Connecticut. (New Preston-Marbledale Station) Washington post office is also no more although the town still exists. There are the post offices of Washington Depot and Washington Green in town. (Washington)