Mt. Frissell

thirsty ??? drink..possess...get arrested !!!!

Many claim after they reach the peak of Bear Mountain the above exists.

drink..thirsty..get arrested !!!!! click for larger image of mt.frissell

I dislike LINKS !!!! They always go dead. I will list some that involve climbing Connecticut's 'highest point'. I would prefer just to 'mirror' such but people compose their reports and put them on the web and seem to gloat in pride so ?? I often read these things and say...'what's wrong with this person' ???? I guess the reports are made for a 'best-selling' novel ??

I've been up there numerous times but am very poor at 'writing novels' beyond showing route of a trail and a few notes about the hike. Some pictures ??

I read some real good ones. Climbing Mt. Everest ??

It is 'very rural territory' and if you don't know your directions in the woods use CAUTION. In Connecticut if your lost just walk one direction and you will meet something in 'time'.--- although this area is quite rural --

I'd be more worried about those creatures that keep getting reported. Raggies ? People have been reporting them for a long long time..since the Iron Furnaces shut down....

David Wickershams Report Hight Points-Forum Mount Frissell CT-Highpoint Surgent.Net CLICK FOR LINK for more Mt. Riga Information

thirsty ?? drink..get arrested !!!!!!thirsty--drink ?? get arrested !!!!!